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Fluid animation and super sharp graphics will make this game a showcase game for either the Xbox360 or the PS3. Very much looking forward to this title. I've loved this series since Soul Edge back on PS1 and it is good to see them moving forward.

5855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's all. This type of thing has been going on since the two systems were introduced. This system has chip A but this system doesn't. But we have chip B and that one doesn't. The writer obviously tried to dig up something he thought he could gouge Sony's machine about; very pro-Microsoft, even stating that he wouldn't buy a PS3 based on Sony not including this type of chip and stating that when Ubisoft wants to make money with Haze, they will port over to 360 (pretty lame shot there if you ...

5856d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't educate people, just spread fear. That's the recipe for modern "news".

5857d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do not, under any circumstances, eat your video game console!

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is going to raise standards across the board! I think we can expect to see many game developers having to up their game because of the inevitable comparisons to Metal Gear. Great time to be a gamer!

5857d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, being modest is a good quality to have, but this is Metal Gear we're talking about here!

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they can move more systems with the Metal Gear name, believe me, they will make more. They are not creating a collector's item here! They want to sell systems and games to make money. It's business.

Kind of reminds me of when DC Comics decided to kill Superman, and everyone rushed out to buy this "collectable" comic. They sold so many copies, they aren't worth anything! Moral - don't trust the manufacturer of "limited" editions products when they tell you...

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People jump all over companies when a new technology comes out because they feel it should be used to its fullest potential right out of the gate (I blame this on the "instant gratification syndrome" everyone seems to suffer from in this day and age). Simply put, tech takes time. Anyone who thought every games on PS3 and Xbox360 would be running in full HD should have their head examined. It is not practical or even possible with most games as the space is best used to create a bett...

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you are playing a game on PS3 and you actually find yourself saying, "Wow, the colors on this game is just a micro-shade lighter than it is on Xbox360, the PS3 sucks," then you have way too much time on your hands and don't play games for the sake of enjoying the game at hand. I have yet to see any multiplatform game that is so substantially superior on either system as to make me take a step back and claim a victor in the "graphics war".

This "my sy...

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be surprised when the "Final Fantasy XIII Limited Edition PS3" is released!

5857d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be surprised when the "Final Fantasy XIII Limited Edition PS3" comes out!

5857d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

how many systems this game is going to move for Sony. I know MGS has always been expected to be the big "system mover" but I think it could be bigger than anyone expected.

5857d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Speculating that Sega will enter back into the hardware market is on par with saying Atari may come out with a new console. Sega is not in a position to jump into such a heated and strong competitive market.

People have been talking about Sega jumping back into the hardware pool since the death of the Dreamcast. Sega did make quality consoles, but with electronics giants (read not just video games) like Microsoft and Sony making incredibly powerful machines and Nintendo's etern...

5860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I will wait for a demo as I found myself a little disoriented just watching the trailer. Maybe it won't be so bad with a controller in my hands, but the camera does swing around quite a bit. I hope I can manage this game, though, because it looks great. More companies need to incorporate this type of innovation into their products. Truly unique and thumbs up to DICE.

5865d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't think so.

5868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then he puts his foot in his mouth on others. "Think back to GDC 2007..." / "Here we are two years later...". Umm, I hope this isn't the guy crunching numbers at Microsoft. "How come Blu Ray did not result in better games?" Well, new tech takes time to get used to and no one has taken full advantage of it yet. I think Metal Gear will show some of the power, but it will get even better in time. "little to no buzz." (about Home). Are you kidding? No, you'...

5868d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wii is outselling everyone, 360 is enjoying its lead on Sony and in the online market, and Sony seems like it is just starting to get the ball rolling.

Yes, the technology exists to make a more powerful system, but the Big 3 seem fairly content at this time. I think MS will probably jump first if/when PS3 catches up or surpasses the 360. Sony, I'm not so sure they will hurry to match MS because their systems have a history of aging quite well. I wouldn't be surprised to see Son...

5868d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are we supposed to do? Make some games featuring white people and some for black people? That's racist! Being against racism means equality. Equality means you get treated the same regardless of color, religion, or anything else.

This is kind of a side note, but I do have a point.
I find it funny people who make these types of "I'm against racism" comments are the same people who would laugh at Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy making fun of (read pointing out...

5868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with most of your points except 1 and 6.

1 - "The planet is not alive" - While the actual rock and elements that make up our planet are not alive, the life on this planet as a whole can be viewed as a single organism. If a certain organism dies out completely (like trees), all others will follow, just as in a human, if the brain dies, the body soon will follow. In another point of view, our planet is alive because it is active geologically; the moving and shif...

5869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really hope that is a joke.

And if you spend more time playing games than time spent NOT playing games, you really need to get out more!

5869d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment